the site?
Non-Game Favorites: Last Updated: March 28, 2020 |
Hi! Welcome to the 24th year of Pete's RuneQuest & Roleplaying! This must be one of the oldest still-maintained RPG sites on the web. A lot of material has accumulated over the years. You'll find adventures, art, NPCs, and tons of other stuff here. A lot of it was created for the RuneQuest system, but almost all of it can easily be used with any fantasy system or setting. HELP! If anyone's still reading this, I've been using an incredibly ancient program to design and maintain it. The site is desperately in need of a complete makeover. Can anyone recommend a good modern web design app? NEWS: This isn't the place to be looking for the latest RuneQuest news any more. I stopped following new iterations of the system quite some time ago. But I still post material which can be used with that system. New:
A long-overdue update to my bio. A new
installation of Chatter.
Review and links for the Diablo 1 HD Mod (Belzebub).
Restored the guestbook
[email protected]
Copyright 1996 by Peter Maranci. March 28, 2020. version 4.241